CT-guided Periradicular Therapy

Periradicular Pain Management (PRT) is used to treat any pain caused by spinal nerve root irritation. Most often, the pain is caused by a herniated disc, but this irritation can also arise as a consequence of a long existing wear of the intervertebral discs and the intervertebral joints.

PRT is most commonly used to treat the cervical and the lumbar spine.

Pain treatment is based on injecting a cortisone solution and a local anesthetic for the lumbar spine. The aim is to treat the existing inflammatory response and thus the resulting pain at the nerve root.

The classic indication for a PRT is an acute herniated disc leading to irritation of the adjacent nerve root. This irritation manifests itself in pain that typically radiates in the region of the arm or the leg covered by the nerve root. It can also lead to numbness and tingling.

With PRT, a thin needle is placed CT-controlled at the exit opening of the nerve root from the vertebral column out. To check the correct position of the needle, a small injection of contrast agent is applied optionally.

When the position of the needle proves correct, the therapeutically effective preparation is injected to spread around the nerve root. Thereby, a slight pressure can sometimes be felt until the liquid has spread. A local anesthetic is usually injected on the lumbar spine in addition. This may cause some numbness of the body region affected.

Prior to the PRT, the attending physician shall have an interview to check the indication for the treatment. For this purpose, an MRI on the region to be treated is required. This MRI should not be older than half a year.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Computed Tomography (CT)
Digital X-Ray
Nuclear Medicine/Scintigraphy
Breast Diagnostics / Mammography
Sonography / Ultrasound
Bone Densitometry
Periradicular Pain Management (PRT)


Doctores / Specialists

Dr. med. Gabert Heidrich
Martin Kupfer
Dr. med. Bernhard Baumert


Dr. med. Alexander Kamp


Diagnostic Imaging Center Weilheim

Röntgenstr. 2-4,
D-82362 Weilheim / Germany

Phone: +49 881 93 77 0
Fax: +49 881 93 77 77

E-Mail: info@radiologie-weilheim.de